Poor behaviour and disengagement from school can have huge detrimental effects, from reduced pupil outcomes, to increased pressure on staff time and well being. Think for the Future works with schools to tackle challenging behaviour head on, targeting students in need of support with a pupil specific programme.
Think for the Future was founded in 2013 to tackle complex social problems that are creating barriers for young people within the education system. The team deliver a tailor-made Behaviour and Resilience Mentoring service working with young people that schools have identified as ‘at risk’ of being expelled. Behaviour and Resilience Mentors are positioned in schools on a weekly basis, targeting specific outcomes with each pupil.
The Foundation supported Think for the Future to trial its innovative Behaviour Mentoring provision, as well as to pilot delivering its services on a payment-by-results scheme. This method allows schools to target the specific needs of their pupils and the challenges they are currently experiencing - only paying for the outcomes delivered. Outcomes are pre-agreed with the school and can include positive/ negative behaviour points, attendance, incidents, and more. With support from the Foundation, Think for the Future was able to successfully test and verify its business model, which generates high quality social outcomes for mentees and cost savings for schools.
After successfully growing to support over 45 schools, Think for the Future continues to replicate its model further, aiming to expand the number of geographical areas reached as well as the number of students who can benefit from their support.